Monday, October 29, 2012

十诫 Ten Commandments

十诫 ——《旧约》中神的启示
Shí jiè ——“jiù yuē” zhōng shén de qǐshì 
Ten Commandments - "Old Testament" in God's revelation

Dì yī:'Chúle wǒ yǐwài, nǐ bùkě yǒu bié de shén. ’ 
First: 'besides myself, you shall have no other gods. '

Dì èr:'Bùkě wéi zìjǐ diāokè ǒuxiàng; yě bùkě zuò shénme xíngxiàng fǎngfú shàngtiān, xiàdì hé dì dǐxia, shuǐzhōng de bǎi wù. ’ 
Second: 'not for yourself an idol; can not be used for any image of anything in heaven, come down to earth and underground, the waters below. '

Dì sān:‘Bùkě wàngchēng yēhéhuá nǐ shén de míng. ’
Third: 'not misuse the name of the Lord your God. '

Dì sì:‘Dāng jìniàn ānxírì, shǒu wéi shèng rì. ’ 
Fourth: 'Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. '

Dì wǔ:‘Dāng xiàojìng fùmǔ. ’
Fifth: 'Honor your parents. '

Dì liù:‘Bùkě shārén. ’ 
Sixth: 'Thou shalt not kill. '

Dì qī:‘Bùkě jiānyín. ’
Seventh: 'Do not commit adultery. '

Dì bā:‘Bùkě tōudào. ’
VIII: 'can not steal. '

Dì jiǔ:‘Bùkě zuòjiǎ jiànzhèng xiànhài rén. ’ 
Ninth: 'not bear false witness against your neighbor. '

Dì shí:'Bùkě tānliàn rén de fángwū; yě bùkě tānliàn rén de qīzi, pū bì, niú lǘ, bìng tā yīqiè suǒyǒu de. ’
X: 'not covet your neighbor's house; not covet your neighbor's wife, Pubi, ox or donkey, and all that he. '

十诫 shí​jiè​ ten commandments
旧约 jiù​yuē​ Old testament
Zhōng​ in
shén​ God
de​ of
启示 qǐ​shì​ enlightenment / revelation
第一 dì​yī​ first / number one
除了 chú​le​ besides 
wǒ​ I / me / my
以外 yǐ​wài​ apart from / other than
nǐ​ you
不可 bù​kě​ cannot / must not
有别 yǒu​bié​ different 
第二 dì​'èr​ second / number two
wéi​ because of / for / to
自己 zì​jǐ​ oneself / one's own
雕刻 diāo​kè​ to carve / to engrave / carving
偶像 ǒu​xiàng​ idol
Yě​ also / too 
zuò​ to do / to grow / to write or compose 
什么 shén​me​ what? / who? / something / anything
形象 xíng​xiàng​ image / form / figure
仿佛 fǎng​fú​ to seem / as if / alike / similar
上天 shàng​tiān​ Heaven
xià​ down
dì​ earth
hé​ and
地底 dì​dǐ​ subterranean / underground
Shuǐ​ water
百物 bǎi​wù​ all things
第三 dì​sān​ third / number three
不可 bù​kě​ cannot / should not / must not
妄称 wàng​chēng​ to make a false and unwarranted declaration
耶和华 Yē​hé​huá​ Jehovah
míng​ name
第四 dì​sì​ fourth
dāng​ at or in the very same…/suitable
记念 jì​niàn​ to recollect / to remember 
安息日 ān​xī​rì​ Sabbath
shǒu​ to guard / to defend
shèng​ holy
rì​ day
第五 dì​wǔ​ fifth
孝敬 xiào​jìng​ to show filial respect
父母 fù​mǔ​ parents
第六 dì​liù​ sixth
杀人 shā​rén​ homicide / to murder
第七 dì​qī​ seventh
奸淫 jiān​yín​ fornication / adultery
第八 dì​bā​ eighth
偷盗 tōu​dào​ to steal
第九 dì​jiǔ​ ninth
作假 zuò​jiǎ​ to cheat
见证 jiàn​zhèng​ witness / testimony
xiàn​ to frame / trap
害人 hài​rén​ to harm sb to victimize / pernicious
第十 dì​shí​ tenth
tān​ greedy / corrupt
恋人 liàn​rén​ lover / sweetheart
房屋 fáng​wū​ house / building
妻子 qī​zǐ​ wife and children
pú​ servant
bì​ slave girl / maid servant
niú​ ox / cow / bull
lǘ​ donkey
bìng​ and / furthermore
tā​ he or him
一切 yī​qiè​ everything / every / all
所有 suǒ​yǒu​ to possess / to own

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